What do you want more than $1,000 a day?

Hey guy,

I stayed in bed the whole weekend. I swear, it was like putting a knife through my heart all over again.
Chad came over and took me out for a drink and then I realised why he's always so happy. He just does his thing and makes his life better, he doesn't need other people to make his life complete.

The best revenge IS success. Chad showed me this:

When I'm driving around in my new Ferrari and living in my new house…she's going to regret leaving me…sadly for her, by then I won't care!

See you tonight.


You know when Carol left me I didn't think I'd ever recover from that. When I saw her with that new guy last week my heart fell in to my ass.


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Holiday Spicial Offer On Quibids

Holiday Spicial Offer On Quibids
This is an auction site pretty much like eBay I just got 4 of these from here and I resold them for some extra money. The trick is to watch for bidding to slow down and then put in a bid. That's what I do and I win most of the time.